
The sector 12 chemistry lab is located in 433 E030. If your experiment requires use of the bench space, fume hood, or access to lab equipment, indicate 'LAB USE' on your ESAF and describe any sample preparation, handling, mounting, cleaning, or storage requirements in detail. Remember, lab-only NO X-RAY EXPERIMENTS still require an ESAF.

Additional CMS Group Lab Spaces:
USAXS Wet Lab | Analytical Lab Space (401 L2104) | Glovebox (Reservation via 12BM)

Instruments & Equipment

4°C Refrigerator
-15°C Freezer
Vacuum oven
Hot water bath
13MΩ DI water
18.3MΩ milliQ water
Analytical balances
Heat/stir plates
Vortex mixer
Eppendorf Microcentrifuge
for small tubes (1.5ml)
Biofuge Primo R Centrifuge
for large tubes (15ml and 50ml)

Lab Safety & Conduct

Please note that the chemistry lab, the inner experimental hutch, and the outer station areas are under closed circuit video surveillance.

  • EYE PROTECTION IS REQUIRED in the 433 E030 lab - safety glasses are located on the outside of both doors.
  • Use of OPEN FLAMES (lighters, torches, etc.) requires a special permit.
  • Ice and dry ice is also available at the APS. Notify your primary beamline contact, and they will help you retrieve it.
  • If you require AFTER HOURS access to the lab, notify your primary beamline contact or visit the APS user office.
  • If you are doing anything hazardous or with harsh chemicals, DO NOT WORK ALONE.
  • An emergency eyewash station is located next to the lab freezer.
  • Eating and drinking are NOT ALLOWED in the lab. Do not drink water from lab sink; domestic water is available in restrooms, break rooms, and at fountain.
  • Our lab is a shared area. Be sure to FOLLOW POSTED SIGNS and LABEL ALL CONTAINERS AND HAZARDS associated with your setup.
  • It is very important that you CLEAN UP your workspace at the end of your experiment. If you need to leave anything at the APS for any reason, please LET US KNOW.